9th wedding anniversary gift ideas

Although there are no exact rules about what to choose for a 9th wedding anniversary present, there are some established themes we have listed here, which may help guide your decision on what to buy. Feel free to pick and choose from our selection of items, themes and colors in order to create a unique present, tailored to the tastes of the recipient.

Traditional Gift Theme: Pottery; Willow (US); Copper (UK)

 9th anniversary pottery activityPottery represents the evolving formation of a marriage over time into an increasingly more beautiful relationship of two soul mates.

Willow trees are noted for their flexibility and graceful appearance. On the ninth wedding anniversary, this symbolizes the ability of two people to work effectively together by compromising with an even balance of give and take.

Copper is a symbol of beauty, strength and prosperity, and is a soft, yielding and malleable metal, which symbolizes the ability of two people in a solid relationship to be able to be flexible, compromise, and find an even balance. Copper is also a great heat and electricity conductor, symbolizing the warmth, chemistry, and passion of a couple who have reached their 9th wedding anniversary.

Modern Gift Theme: Leather

Leather is strong, flexible, warm and durable, like a stable and loving marriage on the ninth wedding anniversary.

Gemstone: Lapis Lazuli

Alternative Gemstone: Tiger Eye; Andalusite

Color: Terracotta

Flower: Poppy; Bird of Paradise; (Substitute: Rose)

The poppy symbolizes imagination, extravagance, eternal sleep and oblivion, thereby describing the qualities of peaceful existence, contentment, and the pursuit of common dreams in a marriage.

The bird of paradise represents joyfulness, magnificence, faithfulness, paradise and splendor. Also inherent in the bird of paradise is the promise of exploration and travel, as two people embark on new adventures ahead.

Popular Traditional 9th Anniversary Gift Ideas

• Willow picnic basket

• Pottery home wares (eg, vase, bowl, dish, mugs, jug/pitcher, candle holder, plant or flower pot)

• Pottery sculptures or figurines

• Enrolment in a pottery class

• Copper home wares (eg, vase, goblets, mugs, dishes, bowls pitcher/jug, candle holder, plant or flower pot, clock)

• Copper sculpture or figurine

Popular Modern and Other Gift Ideas

• Leather clothing and accessories (eg, gloves, belt, cap, jacket, slippers)

• Leather photo album

• Leather passport holder

• Leather wallet, handbag or book bag

• Leather laptop/computer case or briefcase

• Blank journal with leather binding

• Leather diary

• Lapis lazuli jewelry (eg, necklace, bracelet, ring, earrings)

• Tiger eye or andalusite jewelry as alternate gemstones associated with the 9th wedding anniversary

• Floral-themed gifts involving the poppy or bird of paradise (eg, art print, scented products such as candles or perfume, plant)

• Fresh bouquet of poppies or bird of paradise flowers

Below are the next 5 anniversary years if you wish to coordinate with exisiting decor and future themes:

10th wedding anniversary gift ideas  |  11th wedding anniversary gift ideas  |  12th wedding anniversary gift ideas  | 

13th wedding anniversary gift ideas  |  14th wedding anniversary gift ideas  |