24th wedding anniversary gift ideas

If you need to come up with a gift that is perfect for a loved one, and one that will show your true sentiments of love and happiness at their 24th anniversary celebration, use our guide of established themes as a source of inspiration. You don't need to keep to any rules; just choose from any one or more of the various colors, items or theme ideas to find a truly unique gift.

Traditional Gift Theme: Opal (US)

Traditional opal theme 24th anniversaryThe Opal stone is believed to inspire hope and love, innocence, purity, happiness and luck.

Modern Gift Theme: Musical Instruments

The modern theme of musical instruments for the 24th wedding anniversary symbolizes a history in the marriage of all that music represents, including passion, emotions, and a wealth of precious memories.

Gemstone: Tanzanite

Color: Lavender

Flower: None

Popular Traditional Gift Ideas

• Opal jewelry (eg, necklace, bracelet, ring, earrings)

Popular Modern and Other Gift Ideas

• A musical instrument

• Evening out to a musical production, opera, or symphony orchestra

• Vintage sheet music

• Popular music from the couple's dating years

• Prints or posters of famous musicians

• Music-related technology such as speakers or personal music devices

• Tanzanite jewelry (eg, necklace, bracelet, ring, earrings)

Below are your next 5 anniversary themes:

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